New Release​ from Jack Shiner

Ever More Accurate
Atrocities of Competence

171 pages of new poems by Jack Shiner, as well as 80 pages
of selected poems from his three previously published
books. Shiner has been writing for over 50 years now and
views poems as very short stories or, as he says:

“Poetry is an ocean of thought in a drop of water.”

“Enjoy my book and please… read poetry responsibly”

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Ever More Accurate Atrocities of Competence
Cover design by Aberration Studio

Poetry is a Quiet Music

Poetry is a quiet music
of subtle rhythm and pauses
thoughts and descriptions

Poetry is a quiet music
and it appears that very few hear it
unless someone is singing it in a song

They consume it several times a day
(if someone is singing it in a song)
but if asked if they like poetry
I think most people
(at least, here in America)
would look at you puzzled
(after a pause)
or they may look at you
as if they had just had a sip of sour milk
or a quick whiff of a foul odor

Poetry?!! What? Really?

As if it should only be read
by intellectuals or the lonely
or by little old ladies in quaint villages
on Wednesday afternoons
down at the county library
with tea and muffins Mary made

Poetry is a quiet music—
Poetry is an ocean of thought
in a drop of water
But maybe think of it as short stories
dare I say
the texting of the literary world?
(U R 2 deep… LOL)

I see you smirking—
those of you who are reading this—
because you all know
that I am likely
only preaching to the choir

But maybe—
just maybe—
one person will read this
that has never taken the time
to read a poem before
(unless forced to do so in high school)
and maybe—
just maybe they’ll hear it in their mind
and enjoy a poem
(maybe not this one but—)
maybe one that makes them wonder
or one that makes them look away and smile
close the book on their finger to keep their place
and then open it back up and continue to read

is a pleasing pause
for a reflective moment
is an ocean of thought
in a drop of water
is a quiet music

© 2024 Jack Shiner

Previously Published

Also by Jack Shiner​

Although out of print, selections from these three previously published books are included in the 2024 release
Ever More Accurate Atrocities of Competence

Whispering Sands and Other Poems (1989)
Raking Leaves – Poems (2004)
Stunning Jagged Edges of Precise Malfunction (2005)

Jack Shiner-Whispering Sands and Other Poems
Jack Shiner-Raking Leaves Poems
Jack Shiner-Stunning Jagged Edges of Precise Malfunction